Friday, July 18, 2008

What A Day!

What a strange day to start a blog. Within the last 48 hours I have experienced moments of great happiness and many moments of deep sorrow. I might share the sorrow with you later but I have chosen to share the great happiness with you now. My mother-in-law is celebrating her 76th birthday today and we (DH and I) took her out to eat at her favorite restaurant. I have been so blessed to have a wonderful mother-in-law these past 35 years. She has been a joy and a shining example for me!

I know I am suppose to have a purpose for this blog but I want to truthfully say I have many. I do like to decorate my home and I hope to share decorating projects with you. I also want to be a writer and this is a jumping off point for me. If I can stay faithful to this blog perhaps I might have what it takes to be a "real" writer. Another reason for me to jump into "blogland" is a deep desire to record the events of my family for future generations to read. I've said to myself so many times that I should keep a journal but the most I seem able to do is maintain my calender of appointments, hopefully this blog with be the catalyst for change. The last reason I started this blog is tied into the title I have chosen, The Empty Nester, because you see I am now living in an almost empty nest. My youngest child graduated from high school last month and it is really bothering me. We spread our children apart (7 years between each, don't ask me why, it just happened that way) so I have spent the last 33 years of my life raising my children and now in what seems like just a poof, they're gone.

I so admire you young mothers with small children, cherish these moments they will be gone quickly, but I admire you for taking the time now, while they are small, to record these precious moments, you will never regret it. Now, if I can figure out how to add a picture I will show you my youngest at his graduation. Oh, one little thing I forgot to mention....he was Valedictorian of his class..not bragging....just sharing.

1 comment:

Kari Simonson said...

Very cool!
I started my blog as a way to keep a journal too.
I love my blog...and it is really just for me.
I have been faithful to it for a year. Keep up the good work.