Saturday, July 26, 2008

Dinner and A Movie

My son and his girlfriend just left for their Saturday night date. They were so attractive, I was so proud of them. I said, "Where you going?" They're reply, "dinner and a movie" and I had to chuckle inside. They're idea of dinner and a movie is so much different than what I experienced with my DH when we were dating. I'm sure they will probably wind up at Red Lobster or some steak house for dinner and then scoot over to the Stadium 16 Movie Plex where they'll have a choice of at least that many movies. SSSSoooo much different that when we were dating.

For my DH and I, a fun Saturday night was drive-in food and a drive-in movie. I'm really about to clue you in on my age because when we started dating there were no fast food restaurants near us and certainly no walk-in movie theatres. The nearest walk-in theatere was much too far for us to travel on Saturday night and you can be sure there was only ONE movie showing that night. We ate at an A & W Drive-in. Yep, we drove up to the post, looked at the posted menu and out comes the waitress. She took our order and we sat in the car and waited. Pretty soon she retured with that tray on which most of the time we had ordered burgers and french fries. On the bottom of the tray was a drop down hook that allowed her to hook that tray of food right on our rolled down window (yes, rolled down, no such thing as electric windows then or if so, we didn't know about it). We ate there every Saturday night as did most of our friends, it was THE place to be seen!

As soon as we finished eating we headed to the edge of town to the drive-in. As we drove in there was a little building where you stopped and paid. I'm pretty sure it was $2 each. We always had our same spot where we parked. Again, stop by a post, reach out for the speaker, roll your window up high enough the speaker can hook onto it and you were all set. In the middle of the drive in was a building that housed concessions and bathrooms. You always tried to avoid the bathrooms if possible, they weren't very clean. I do remember the popcorn as being the best in the world.

We were all set. Sounds pretty good? We thought so. I guess looking back now we didn't think so much about how hot we were in the summer or cold in the winter. We were just happy to be together. The best part of my week was Saturday night. I will never, never forget sliding over to the middle of the seat so my husband could put his arm on my shoulder and I could lean my head on his arm. We would sit like that for hours. Content to not say a word, just watch the movie and be together. AAAhhhh, young love.

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