Friday, July 25, 2008

A Fine Friday

Yippee, skippy, it's Friday! Now why I'm so excited I don't know because right now I off for the summer. You can bet when I'm at work that Friday's are a BIG DEAL. I guess I'll just name the things that are delighting me on this Fine Friday. I got my hair done this morning. I was sssoooo tired of those gray roots. I declare I absolutely had a spring in my walk when I left the hair salon. Getting your hair done can just make you feel better all over. Ohhhhh and when I got home my hubby had brought home fresh shrimp for you us to grilllll......doesn't get any better than that. Now I'm sitting here surfing and blogging, cozy on my sofa, watching it rain outside...rain we so deperately needed. I might just slide down and take a little nap before time to grill those shrimp. Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

FlipFlop Mom said...

I love getting my hair colored!!! it does put a spring in your step!! and my other little guilty pleasure... the chiropractor!! LOL LOL strange huh??

Thanks for peeking at my blog.. and yes you can add me to your blog roll... that would not offend me at all... Ü

Have a GREAT weekend!!