Monday, July 28, 2008

Message In A Bottle

I attended another workshop today and we had a really great "get acquainted" activity. The theme of the day was "beachy" which provided a perfect opening for our message in a bottle game. We filled out a questionnaire, rolled it up and stuffed it inside the bottle provided for us. All our bottles were collected and placed in the sand on the beach (a child's blow up pool filled with sand). Throughout the day a bottle was retrieved by the instructor and he read the questions and answers, we then had to guess who filled out the was a pretty cute activity.

This is not the only message in a bottle I want to tell you about. When my youngest son finished fifth grade my middle son was graduating high school so our entire family went on a cruise. I saved five small plastic bottles and had my youngest write a message including his name and address. In the message he asked that if anyone found his "message in the bottle" to please reply to him. We threw one overboard each day of the cruise. Yes, I know, it was littering, and I should have set a better example for him but I wanted him to have an adventure and I figured this was his best chance at it.

We hoped to hear from someone but time passed and we eventually forgot about the whole thing until one day about a year and a half later. I picked up the mail one day and there was a strange letter for him. Someone had found one of his bottles!

I wish I could say it was from far away but it was from Key West. Now the thing is, we traveled to Key West and Mexico and I don't know which of the bottles was found but he was excited. I think it was fantastic that he even heard from one! Who knows, the other four bottles are out there, maybe we'll hear from one them.

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