Monday, September 1, 2008

Quiet Labor Day

We didn't have any big plans for Labor Day. DH was home from work but he stayed busy around here mowing and cleaning up limbs. I stayed in the house and worked on a video for the funeral of our friend that I mentioned a couple of days ago in my blog. His funeral is tomorrow. It is a privilege to be asked to do this but very sad. Repeatedly looking at pictures that sum up a person's life tell so little about who the person really is. I can say one thing about this friend..he was proof that one person can make the difference in the life of a child. He was a friend, coach, school board member and volunteer that will never be matched and he will be missed.
I talked with oldest DS about the "wedding". I mentioned that I had missed his calling on my birthday, he offered no reason for not calling so I can only assume he doesn't care and I am going to have to accept he has no use for our family any more. I pray daily for strength to get me through this time. You just don't want to believe that your own flesh and blood can cause you so much pain. I am grateful to say that although my parents and I had our moments of discord, I never treated them this disrespectfully.
On to something else, Gustav hit New Orleans today, I watched all day on CNN. As of right now, it appears the levees are going to hold! This is something we can so very thankful for. We do have to set our sights on the next few days as another one is on it's way.
Well, back to work tomorrow, a short day.
One more thing, youngest DS has infection in his right eye again!

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